Jul 2018
Hackers & Designers, Amsterdam
From which perspective are we building our world? From which perspective do we make up believes and normativities? – All too human? [1] While eating plants we questioned knowledge production and truth making that is “all too human”. What can we learn from other-than-human-systems? How can we communicate with and think “with” botanicals and use botanical system as a point of references for reflecting human beliefs and truth making?
In a performative way we used the dinner as a quick collective think thank and experimentation to investigate ways to think “with” and to communicate with plants. We discussed the need of pluralistic ways of knowledge production and moved on to investigate ways of including the non-human as attendant of the dinner.
The outcome of the dinner was well-fed participants, discussions, dancing, small experiments in forms of notes, sketches, prototypes or performative answer and/or whatever felt right.
We borrow the expression: „All too human“ of one of Rosi Braidotti´s lecture: Posthuman, All Too Human. Lecture given at Durham University as part of the Durham Castle Lectures Series 2016/17
Photos Hackers & Designers